Please register with us and give us your contact information so that we can keep you informed.


We hope you will join us in petitions to urge politicians to support us. Please tell us what state your reside in so that we can contact you for inclusion in your locality.

Please check if you are a member of a
group or club that would like
someone to talk to you

If you or your family has been a victim of elder abuse we would like to hear your stories. Please let us know what information you wish to share publicly, what should be kept private, and what can be shared with politicians.

Please select your category of Financial Abuse by Preditor Type

Legitimate business

People close to the victim

(paid/unpaid, family/non-family facility/home, and new "Good Friends")


Other - if you feel you do not fit any of the above categories


Do you have photos that you wish to share? (We will contact you)
I wish to share photos.